Are you engulfed in Pokémon Go? I
am! I am addicted to catching those little pocket monsters. Naturally, I began
to think about how I can use it in school. While we were going around town
playing, we kept finding the coolest historical markers. We learned so much
about the history of our students. I had
the perfect idea! Why don’t I encourage families to play the game with their
I want families to be able to go
out and learn more about the city they live in! Many of them come to class and
not even know their city! If I can get the families out scavenger hunting for
historical markers (and the Pokémon!) they can build up their background
knowledge of many of our Social Studies standards. So, I just have to pair it
with reading and writing! The pictures you see are from some of the historical Pokéstops around Nashville! These are located in Centennial Park, but there are so many more around the city, even in the neighborhood in which I teach!
Here’s the deal!
1.Families that Pokémon
together, learn together.
2.Students write a
paragraph about the landmark they visited, what they learned from it, their
impression, and (yes!) what creature they caught!
3.They bring the
paragraph to me for a reward! (Maybe a piece of candy, a pencil, Pokémon
I made several sheets to use in
class. Some are full page sheets, and another one is a ink-saver. It allows 5
entries per page, and it is in black and white. Get your copy here!
I just came back from a great trip
to Orlando. My school sent me to the SDE conference there for 4 days. During
this trip I had several firsts.
1.It was my FIRSTplane ride.
2.It was the FIRSTtime traveling without
my husband.
3.It was my FIRSTconference.
4.It was my FIRSTtime in Orlando.
If you have been following me on
Instagram, you probably saw all the neat photos I took. The airplane ride was
amazing, as we drove through the clouds I could really tell the different types
of clouds I had taught my third graders several years ago. I took some photos
of each cloud type I could identify for third grade teachers at my school to
While the conference was going on,
I was learning and networking with teachers from all over the world. It was
fantastic to get revved up for the next school year. I want to share with you
some of the takeaways I had from the different sessions.
Takeaway Numero Uno! There is no need for children to be making
straight A’s all the time.
Students should be challenged. That’s
goes without saying. If students are flying through work and getting it done
accurately, then students need to go deeper. The experiences they have in the
classroom shouldn’t be so hard they get frustrated, however, they should be
expected to aim high. Besides, if students are being pushed, that means they
aren’t going to get off task or distract others.
This also allows for students to
learn perseverance. Students in today’s world get information automatically.
They open a device and the information is literally at their fingertips. They
have the instant gratification factor, and sometimes it is good to allow them
to fail or struggle so that they can become better citizens.
Takeaway Number Two: Get your centers working for you!
Centers are very hot in education
right now. You can have kids working on several skills in an hour, while you
are working on guided reading with a small group. It’s amazing how teachers are
using that time as just a time for keeping kids occupied and quiet. This should
be a time for getting kids practicing something that has been taught. The work
from the centers should not be thrown away or necessarily taken for a grade,
instead, use them as informal assessments. Sort them into stacks of “Advanced,”
“Proficient,” “Basic,” and “Below Basic.” This gives you an idea of where
students are on a task. If you track them with a recording sheet, you can see
if students are being consistent with their work.
Takeaway Number Three: Check your questioning methods.
Are you asking questions like this??
Teach your children how to know
what you are expecting when asking a question. This will help with your
blurters! There are four ways you are going to ask questions in your room. You
are going to ask them to shout out the answers, you might want them to raise
hands, you might want to choose a students to speak, or you might want to see what
everyone knows. Dedra Strafford had this great idea! Announce the type of
question first.
Example, “Class. What is the capital
of Tennessee?” Students know because you stated class that you are expecting
everyone to just shout out the answer.
“Hands.” Would mean that you want
to see raised hands.
“Think.” This means that you want
children to think about their answer, and you will be choosing someone. You can
choose off the top of your head, by using equity sticks, or using the Pick Me! App.
“Show.” This will mean that you
want kids to write on their personal whiteboard or paper, and you will be going
around to check where the kids are.
The most important thing is to give
kids wait time. Not all kids are going to be able to think as quickly as
others. Here is another tip Dedra had, in your head, “1, 2, 3, 4 now I’ve
waited, I should wait some more!” That should give kids enough time to process
the question and be ready!
Want some posters for your classroom to help keep this on the mind? Click the image below to download!
Takeaway Number Four: Think about the daily structure of your
Students learn best at the beginning
of the lesson. If you are asking a lot of background questions first to
determine where the kids are, then students are going to remember the
background information rather than the lesson itself. Also, if you had down
time, and then you get their attention, why waste that valuable time on taking
attendance? Instead, get them started in a lesson, and then do attendance during
a lull.
Many teachers teach the lesson
first, then at the end allow for partner discussion and work. Instead, break
that up into the earlier parts of the lesson. This allows for the social
interaction to engage children and to embed the information inside their brains
more. Plus chunking the lesson allows for students to break down the
information and process the information. They need a break from that for a
minute for per year, and journaling, partner work, or brain breaks work for
that. Then they can get back to work without fidgeting and fuss!
Did you go to the SDE Conference?
Do you have any ideas on how to make your day smoother? Leave a comment below!