Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Student Motivation

Hey explorers!

What a great week it has been here. The weather has been warm with lots of sun. We have been able to get a lot of work done around the house which has been AHHH-Mazing. However... there is always something on mind... work! The school year is rapidly coming and no one knows what is going to happen. Will we be in the classroom? Will we be online? Both? 

Well, I'm thinking that the best way to put it out of my mind is just to think about what I want my physical classroom to look like this year. As I was shopping a few weeks ago, I got these awesome bracelets. 

Bracelets that I found at a local store.
I wasn't sure how I would use them, and one day I just thought about how the WWJD bracelets were popular back in the day. I thought about the fidget bracelets as well. Then I thought about what the kids needed in the classroom. Then set to work making these cards that will go with the bracelets. 

For the first day of school I will give these out to the kiddos during our first morning meeting. The rest I will hold and have ready for other times when they need a reminder. I may even pull some cards out randomly when students need a reminder or an affirmation. 

I think if we have to go back virtually, it may be something that I send out periodically to my students. They can enjoy receiving some mail with happy sayings, right? 

What do you think about them? How would you use them in class? 
Click on the photo to get a closer look and to purchase!

Monday, June 22, 2020

New School, New Grade

The past three years have gone pretty much undocumented, except for on IG and Facebook. Here is a quick rundown though:

1. Left the school I was in due to administration changes and truly being unsupported in my position. 
2. Found a new school to go to, had a great school year and met awesome educators! Received tenure, baby!! 
3. Same school, had 15 teachers come and go on our team, eventually leaving just me in 4th grade with 60 kiddos. We didn't have a principal until February. Our building got hit by a tornado, my hall was destroyed. We moved an entire building into a new building in 4 days. Taught in that room for 3 days, and then we were out for the rest of the year due to Covid-19. Oh... and I won teacher of the year! 

Brings us up to the present day: I am going to a new school, and trying out a new grade level. I am super excited about moving to second grade! I'll get to see the kids grow and mature as they change grade levels. Everyone keeps telling me 2nd grade is the best grade to teach, and I cannot wait to agree with that. :) 

While packing up, I noticed that most of my picture books have disappeared. So, I'm looking for new books to put in my library. After scouring the internet, I created a list that I definitely want to add. What other books should I make sure to have in my 2nd grade class library? Leave me a comment with suggestions!